Our Vicar

Rev’d. Sharon Guest

01255 235700

Email: sharonguest07@btinternet.com

For all General Enquiries, Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals please contact Rev’d. Sharon Guest.

Rev’d. Sharon is available Saturday to Thursday. She will be having a rest day on Friday, if you do contact her on this day she will get back to you as soon as possible.

The Church Warden

Tony Page : contact 07730956414   churchwarden@stosythparishchurch.co.uk

The Church Warden supports the Vicar in the running and care of the parish.  A brief three point summary of his role has been described as ‘leadership, labour and love’ – it is certainly multi-faceted.

Deputy Wardens:

Pat Smith – 01255 820522 


Sonia Grantham – 01255 820648


Sunny Bissenden – 07719 689051


Danny Wright – 07790 521621


Administrative Staff 

The Parish Office is in the Church. 

General Administrator,  Emma Charnock.  You can email at info@stosythparishchurch.co.uk

The PCC Secretary is Belinda Liddle  pccsecretary@stosythparishchurch.co.uk

Office tel no 01255 821362

Parochial Church Council (PCC):

The PCC are elected members of the Church who together with the  Priest and Church Wardens help with the running and decision making of all matters to do with the Church.  They meet six times a year approx.    The PCC secretary produces a resume of what has been discussed after every meeting to share with the  congregation to ensure everyone is kept abreast of what’s happening.

Children’s Ministry 

Our Sunday Club meet every Sunday during the Service in the Church Room and all children, aged 4 or above, are very welcome.  Younger children are also invited to come along but will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Click here to find out more.

For further information, please contact one of our Sunday Club leaders:

Dianne Pile          01255 820843     email:  dianne.pile@gmail.com

One of our many Church banners

Safeguarding Officer, Tony Page email: churchwarden@stosythparishchurch.co.uk

The Organist and Choir

We now have an excellent new organist and choirmistress, Fiona Bodmer, who we share with Gt Bentley Parish Church. The choir meet to rehearse after each service for the following Sunday, and forthcoming festivals, with  a quick run through before the service at 11am after she has hot-footed it over from the adjacent parish. Please do come and join them – everyone welcome. 

Contact Fiona on 07932 567429. 

These times can vary on the first Sunday in the month and for Benefice services so please do check the front page of this website.

Bell Ringers

There is an active bell ringing group in the church.   They ring every Sunday morning before the main service and practice on Wednesdays.   Occasionally a quarter peel is rung here in St Osyth.  There are six bells and an old tenor bell which is peeled on appropriate occasions. 

Bell Captain – Helen Bridgeman  helen.bridgeman-consulting.co.uk

Practice time!

The Parish Magazine

The magazine is run by the Church and is very popular with local residents.  It is delivered free to approx 2,300 houses in the village!  It has an editorial team of four and a distribution manager who is supported by a large and very active team of volunteers.  The articles are wide ranging and informative with revenue from advertisements enabling the magazine to be self supporting, even on occasions making a small profit. 

Church Flowers:

We are so lucky to have some amazing talent in our Church when it comes to flower arranging!  They help to enhance all of our major festivals by transforming the church to the delight of everyone. 

For wedding flowers or if you would like to be involved please contact Brenda Lord on 01255 820458.

Pink Wedding!
Yellow Wedding!
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