From November 2024 our Sunday Club with meet every Sunday of the month at 11am in the Church Room, except for when there is a Joint Benefice Service (not held in our Church), a Special Service such as Mothering Sunday, Harvest Festival and Remembrance Sunday or a fifth Sunday in the month.
All children, aged 4 or above, are very welcome. Younger children are also invited to come along, but will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. This includes the children’s work – lots of activities and fun in the Church room during the sermon and intercessions!
The aim of Sunday Club is to teach the children about the Christian faith in a way which they will enjoy and have fun. This we do through stories from the Bible, arts and craft work, singing, playing games and quizzes – all of which they love and certainly help to bring the messages of Jesus and the Bible to life for the children. There are always lots of questions and lots of laughter – a great recipe!
The children’s ministry is also extended to our local Church of England Primary School, where one of our Sunday Club leaders runs a weekly club on Monday lunchtimes– called the 3 G’s (God’s Good Guys).
As part of the Christian teaching, we feel sharing moral values such as “loving one another” and “caring about God’s Creation” is very important. Our hope and prayer is that the children will become firmly grounded in their Christian faith through this special Ministry.
Our next Service with a Sunday Club will be on 13th October 2024.
For further information, please contact our Sunday Club leader:
Dianne Pile 01255 820843 email: