The Church Room
We are very lucky to have our Church Room. It is much used for a wide variety of events, both social and for Church business. From PCC meetings to Sunday Club mornings, from Pop In Saturdays to wedding and baptim surgeries……….. It has witnessed many happy occasions and as it has a purpose built kitchen it also means we can readily rustle up refreshments – even the popular tea cakes on Saturdays or bacon butties at coffee mornings!
Toilet Facilities – we are fortunate to have a cloakroom and single toilet within the Church building. Additional facilities can be found just along the road outside the Church at the public toilets.
Salvation Army Food Drop Off Point
There is a special, and longtime, relationship between Clacton Foodbank, administered by the Salvation Army on behalf of The Trussell Trust, and St. Peter & St. Paul’s Church, St. Osyth that goes back to the inception of a foodbank in our area. We are a big doner and, in someways, punch well above our size in the donations that our local community generously give to help others. This is appreciated and as a result the church was asked to delegate a parishioner to become a member of the Steering Group. There are generally four meetings a year and we each receive monthly reports on the activity and needs of the foodbank and unless requested otherwise this information is shared with the local church and periodically a report is made in the Church Parish Magazine by Tracy Dodds in her official capacity of representing both the Foodbank and The Salvation Army.
Needless to say the pressure on the Foodbank is regrettably constant and they have in the last year moved into a negative supply and demand situation with demand regularly outstripping supply. When this happens they have to draw on other funding sources to meet need otherwise they would be forced to ration goods to those in the greatest need. Obviously they not only rely on food donations but financial help as well. This is where as a church and a local community we are a source of support not only from our food donations but the Annual Carol Concert where the collection raised is passed onto the Foodbank and also, as recently we raised £400. 25 in a designated Pop-in on Saturday 9th March 2024. An amazing amount and a thoroughly enjoyable event. Thanks to all those that helped and contributed.
They are extremely appreciative of the efforts of both our church and local community and openly acknowledge the thanks to our community for the support given in the past and also for any future assistance that we may give.
Danny Wright St. Osyth Steering Group Representative Clacton Foodbank
Please do support the Food Bank, in any way that is possible for you. Thank-you.
St Osyth Church is a drop off point for food donations and every Tuesday several bags of supplies are taken into the Salvation Army food bank from parish donations. We are regularly updated with a list of essential foods that they particularly want.
We have been advised that they are URGENTLY in need of most items – for example tinned fish, rice, hot chocolate, dried mashed potato, powdered and Long Life milk, sugar, fruit juice and squashes – all supplies are currently low and all help is gratefully appreciated!
Anyone can leave donations in the special container in the Church – opening times 8am – 4pm as a rule. Thank you!