Welcome to the Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul

St Osyth Church, Church Square, St Osyth, Clacton on Sea, Essex, Co16 8NU                                                                           Charity No. X96628 (St Osyth PCC)

St Osyth Parish Church is a beautiful building which lies in the centre of the village.  Whether you are a member of a congregation or a visitor, or just passing and drawn by spiritual need we hope you will find our Church a welcoming and uplifting place to be.  You will not be visiting a museum but a lively centre of worship and music.  It is a happy, special place and we hope you will join us both in worship and in the many activities that are organised here at St Peter and St Paul. You are very welcome at any of our services and we trust you will find peace, joy and friendship within our inclusive and enthusiastic Church family. 

Upcoming 2024 Services

Thursday 17th October

10am Holy Communion Service led by Rev’d. Brian Kyriacou

Sunday 20th October – 21st Sunday after Trinity

11am  A Non-Eucharistic Service led by Captain Mike Milne, Church Army

Refreshments will be served in the Church room after the Service

Church Address: 

St Osyth Parish Church, Church Square, St Osyth, Clacton on Sea, Essex, CO16 8NU

Reg Charity No: 249505


We are currently in Interregnum so are without a Vicar for the present


Tony Page             



PCC Secretary        

Belinda Liddle

Email: pccsecretary@stosythparishchurch.co.uk


Emma Charnock          

Email: info@stosythparishchurch.co.uk

Children’s Ministry

Dianne Pile

01255 820843

Church Music and Choir

Fiona Bodmer

Bell Ringing

Helen Bridgman

07966 014511


Baptism and Wedding Bookings

Baptisms – contact Dianne Pile  01255 820843

For weddings contact Rachel Killington 07728 828976 weddingcoordinator@stosythparishchurch.co.uk

Parish Magazine

Michelle Morris



Brenda Lord            01255 820458       

Church Notices

Announcement From Bishop Roger and Archdeacon Ruth – Sunday 1st September 2024

We are delighted to announce the good news that (subject to appropriate DBS clearance) The Revd Sharon Guest has been appointed Vicar of St Osyth & Great Bentley and Priest-in-Charge of Weeley with Little Clacton.

Sharon began her ministry as a Lay Reader over twenty years ago. She was ordained in 2012 and served her curacy and her first post in the Barking Episcopal Area. Sharon has been a Team Vicar in the Roach Parishes in the Southend Archdeaconry of this Diocese for over five years.

Sharon says,

“I’m really looking forward to ministering with the people of these parishes and am excited to have been called to these churches and the Colchester Episcopal Area. I am excited that these parishes will be working together in a new way.

“I will of course miss the people of the parishes where I have been ministering and I will miss my wonderful colleagues Kim, Hayley, Gary and Ernie and the wardens and lay people who I also minister alongside.”

We look forward to welcoming Sharon and Ernie into your parishes and the Colchester Episcopal Area and ask for your prayers for them as they prepare to move and as she prepares to take up her new ministry with you.

We also pray for the Roach Parishes, as they prepare to say goodbye to Sharon.

Church Floor Restoration

After years of behind the scenes work the Church floor has now been restored to its original pine colour. It has made a big change to the Church. We would like to thank everyone that helped to move the furniture, chairs and equipment before and after the restoration. Two special thanks to Sonia for all her hard work to make sure this happened! And to Ray Crosier who replaced 816 chair leg protectors and installed replacement pine blocks on the floor.

Pictures below of Before and After.

Safeguarding Training

We will be holding group safeguarding training for any PCC Members, who have not yet completed this mandatory training. These sessions will be held in the Church.

Wednesday 25th September 2024  10am – Basic Awareness

Wednesday 9th October 2024  10am – Foundation Course

Wednesday 16th October 2024  10am – Raising Awareness of Domestic Abuse


Each course will last approximately 90 minutes and all course materials will be provided.

Please let Tony know if you will be attending any of the training courses or would like more information.


Summer Recitals

 It is very pleasing to report that the St. Osyth Lunchtime Recitals held from April 2024 to August 2024 raised £1106.60 (after expenses) for the Organ/Music Fund.  

The recitals were well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all.  We will be having another set of Lunchtime Recitals in 2025.


Many thanks to Fiona and Sunny for organising these events and to everyone who helped with the refreshments.

Administration of the Communion Sacraments from 22nd September 2024

Information from the Revd. Canon Laurie Bond (Area Dean):

Bishop Guli (Diocesan Bishop) sent an “Ad Clerum” message out a few weeks ago, saying that we must revert to using the chalice and patten separately and end the general practice of intinction.

Below I have copied some instructions from the Church of England website, which, in a longer way, repeat the same message.

When distributing communion, we should therefore:

  1. Distribute the bread to each individual (gluten free where requested)
  2. Distribute the wine via the chalice

Communicants may decide that they only wish to receive the bread and not use the chalice, at which point they could return to their seat after receiving the bread.

Communicants must not intinct their wafers.

The intinction of wafers by the priest should not continue.


On the afternoon of Wednesday July 31st over 60 people came together in the church to express their appreciation of Sonia’s time and dedication as our Church Warden for the last 22 years and to express their thanks for her hard work and commitment, positivity and encouragement over her more than two decades of service.

Our new Warden, Tony Page, thanked Sonia for her dedication and achievements over the years. A card, flowers and a gift were presented to Sonia on behalf of the church family.

An afternoon tea was enjoyed by all with a wonderful array of cakes and savouries. Thanks to all who provided the refreshments, set up and cleared up afterwards.


Hello to you all,

I am still feeling totally overwhelmed by the tea party given this afternoon to thank me for 22 years as a Churchwarden.

The thought was such a kind one and was so appreciated, when I had recovered and realised that the tea party was for me! I wondered why the bells were ringing when we arrived, I asked Tony, who said they were for me! Slowly it dawned – the laden table, so very much part of our Church hospitality, so many lovely friendly faces and so many thanks from you all.

Then the thanks from Tony and Laurie, followed by the flowers and gifts. I so enjoyed reading the cards and the messages – you have given to me. It was all very overwhelming. The generosity of the gifts was quite breathtaking. I feel very humble I really do by the appreciation I have been shown by you all in so many ways.

A very big thank you for a lovely afternoon – especially to Tony for masterminding it all.


Summer Fayre

We were blessed with sunshine and lots of people strolled through and investigated the many stalls full of cakes, games and Bric-a-brac to name a few. 

A lovely community event. 

Thank you to all who helped set up and help with stalls, who attended and lastly a big thank you to Sunny.

A Great Result!

Very many thanks to Anne Witten, the team of ladies and Danny Wright who with the many people who attended raised £402.00 for the Salvation Army Food Bank.
As many of you know village residents support the Food Bank on a weekly basis, but it was brought to our notice that demand is such that the Salvation Army are having to buy food.  A request was made, would we consider raising much needed funds and this we did on the 9th March.  It was a really enjoyable morning for us all and so good that we were supporting the Salvation Army.


Please do keep donating items in 2024 for the Clacton Food Bank. You can leave them just inside the Church, by the right hand pillar, during the times when it is open.   All donations are always gratefully received, but please make a note of their specific requests below.

The Salvation Army says that they are still seeing increasing numbers at the food bank. From the Trussell Trust website, items most needed in Clacton now are: 

Tinned fruit; Tinned & pkt Custard; Long Life Milk; UHT Fruit Juice; Instant Mash; Tinned Sponge Puddings; Small Jar/Packet Instant Coffee; Hot Chocolate Powder


We signed up to the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) a good few years ago and many of our congregation give through this scheme. It is free for the church as the diocese covers the admin costs. It is a simple and secure way for our church to receive gifts and donations at services, by monthly, quarterly or annually by Direct Debit. You can give anonymously if you prefer.

If you are a UK tax payer, gift aid of 25% will be added to your giving. Win-win!

It is simple to change the amount you give too. We have PGS packs available.     

Just ask Tony, Sonia or Chris!

You can visit  https://www.parishgiving.org.uk/donors/find-your-parish/st-osyth-st-peter-st-paul-clacton-on-sea/       


Scan the QR code opposite which will direct you to the Parish Giving website.                

If you are interested in developing your pastoral care skills you may be attracted to the Part 1 Pastoral Care Course, which could lead you to becoming an Authorised Pastoral Assistant in the Diocese. More details, a contact and how to apply can be found on the information sheet at the back of the church. 

Pastoral Team – looking after the needs of our church family

Please talk to Dianne Pile (or phone 820843) about anyone who is sick, would like communion in their own home or just a visit which she will organise. Dianne is also sending cards to church members on behalf of the church.

Pew Sheet Diary and Notices

Please contact Chris Pile regarding the Diary & Notices. Please email: pile.chris@gmail.com as required, also copying in Sonia, email:  sonia.grantham@me.com by latest Wednesday 5pm. 

Pew Sheet prayers: Please also let Chris and Sonia know of anyone who can be taken off or be added to the list.


Please note that from 29th October 2023 the church will be locked at 1.30pm on Sundays and 3.30pm Monday – Saturday.


Do Pop In to Church on a Saturday morning between 10-11.30am.

for refreshments and good company in the warm Church Room .

If you would like to help with the refreshments that would be wonderful.

Just come along and tell us or phone Anne 01255 821661

All enquiries at the present time please contact the Church Warden, Mr Tony Page. Tel: 07730956414, email: churchwarden@stosythparishchurch.co.uk

For Pew Sheet Notices and Diary entries please contact Emma Charnock by Wednesday 5pm – email: info@stosythparishchurch.co.uk

For Admin please contact Mrs Emma Charnock – email:  info@stosythparishchurch.co.uk

For Weddings please contact – Rachel Killington  07728 828976 weddingcoordinator@stosythparishchurch.co.uk

PCC Secretary –  pccsecretary@stosythparishchurch.co.uk

Safeguarding – contact Tony Page – churchwarden@stosythparishchurch.co.uk

Church Outreach – Parish Welcome Pack Anyone moved in near you?
Has anyone moved in near you? If so, there is a supply of the packs available at the back of the church for you to deliver. Please add the date, your name and the address of the recipient in the book provided so we have a record. You might like to also pop a Toosey News through their letter box too if there are spares on the table. Or better still why not knock on the door and take the opportunity to introduce yourself to your new neighbours.

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