Administration of the Communion Sacraments from 22nd September 2024
Information from the Revd. Canon Laurie Bond (Area Dean):
Bishop Guli (Diocesan Bishop) sent an “Ad Clerum” message out a few weeks ago, saying that we must revert to using the chalice and patten separately and end the general practice of intinction.
Below I have copied some instructions from the Church of England website, which, in a longer way, repeat the same message.
When distributing communion, we should therefore:
- Distribute the bread to each individual (gluten free where requested)
- Distribute the wine via the chalice
Communicants may decide that they only wish to receive the bread and not use the chalice, at which point they could return to their seat after receiving the bread.
Communicants must not intinct their wafers.
The intinction of wafers by the priest should not continue.